Monday, December 15, 2008

Jumpy Baby

Christmas Lights

We went with josh's family last night to look at Christmas lights. We stopped at one house that had a light show that went to music. . Hailey was in awe the whole time. She would not take her eyes off of the lights.

It's been a long day

Yummy Rice Cereal..

Early Christmas Gift

Hailey's new high chair. She is still a little small for it so she probably wont be using it for a while.. She seemed to like it.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Some of my best friends and I have been going to downtown Salt Lake every year at Christmas time for a night on the town. We go to dinner and then look at the lights at temple square. It was so beautiful and it got me in the Christmas mood. We have kept this tradition going since 7th grade and I hope we have many more to come. I look forward to it every year....

Baby Shower

Josh's best friend and cousin Chris and his wife Robyn just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Abigail about a month ago. Since they live in Vegas we weren't able to do a shower earlier so we did one this last weekend over the Thanksgiving break. She is absolutely beautiful and it was so good to meet her. Hailey was so intrigued by her and wouldn't take her eyes off her. Hailey looked so big next to Abigail. The pictures of them next to each other are actually pretty funny. Congrats on your new baby..

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to My Grandmas house with the family and had a great time. Thanks everyone for the Yummy food....Also ever since Hailey was born I have been wanting to get a five generation picture and since my Great Grandma was there we were able to that. It is so neat to me that my 101 year old great grandma is around to see her grankids grow up. We love you..


My friend Jen Wheatley is an amazing photographer and recently took our family pictures for our Christmas card. I think they really turned out and she did awesome.. Thanks Jen.

You can check out her website at

Girls Night...

My friends and I really try hard to get together as much as we can. It is hard sometimes because everyone gets so busy especially this time of year. But the times we do get together we all have a blast and it is just like old times..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Beauty SLeep

As many of you moms know who have had girls how hard it is to keep a bow in their hair. Beauty pays a price. I cant tell you how many times I have heard Hailey grunting or making weird noises and going to check on her and her bow is over her eyes. We usually try to take it off while she is sleeping but we sometimes forget. I just had to take a picture of it because every time it makes me laugh..

Lunch Date..

Some of my closest friends from high school got to get together last week for lunch. I love being around friends and it is always so nice to see them and catch up. It is also really fun because three of us all had our first babies within two months of each other. I hope our kids will grow up to be friends and I look forward to many many play dates. Thanks Jen for putting this together.

Happy Birthday You Guys...


My niece and sister have been asking for quite some time now for a sleepover but life has been so crazy we just havent had a chance. Last weekend we finally made it work and I think they had a ball. They stayed up laughing all night.I hope we can do it again soon..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Julia

My little sister Julia turns 8 tomorrow. I cant believe how fast time flies. I hope she has a wonderful birthday and knows how much we love her.

Annual Halloween Party

For the last three years my friends and their husbands have gone up to Kara's grandparents cabin to have a party. We sleep over, play games, watch movies, dress up etc. Pretty much all the fun kid stuff we dont get to do much anymore. They have all been a riot and I hope we can keep up this tradition.

Congrats !!!!

Josh's sister Sara got married last thursday to one of Josh's really good friends Ethan. The day was beautiful and they looked so happy. We are excited for both of them and wish them the best.


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Giggle Girl